Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Week 9

This has been another up and down week (aren't they all?). My new saviors are tea tree oil (a couple drops in the bath) and Simple brand smoothing facial scrub. 

Tea tree oil is naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory. It's supposed to help with itch as well, but with as bad as TSW itch is, it doesn't really touch it. I don't know if it's related, but the parts of my skin that used to rip open with scratching (arms, neck) don't anymore since using the TTO. My neck still oozes if I scratch, though. :(

The Simple scrub has been great at removing extra dead skin. I have yet to try it on my neck. 

My chest is the biggest wreck. It feels like very bad sunburn. It's hot to the touch and the pain almost makes me nauseous. I've been sleeping with ice packs. If skin touches skin (fold over because of the thickness), the sweating and itching are unbearable. The tightness is pretty bad, too. 

The flare is spreading down my forearms in typical symmetrical style. 

The worst (or best?) part is the new sweating. I've been on TS for so long that I never knew what sweating felt like. I just never sweated, no matter how hot. Now it's all day. The good news is it means the steroids are being flushed from my body. I still hate it. It means burning and itching as well. 

Thick skin

Left arm, inside elbow (healing!)

Right arm, inside elbow

Chest and shoulders

Left forearm, beginning to flare

I'm ready for a break. Hopefully I get a bit of one soon. 

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