Thursday, March 6, 2014


My name is Sydney and I have started Topical Steroid Withdrawal. I started using topical steroids when I was a teenager. Usually prescribed for eczema, I was never formally diagnosed. My mom and brother both have severe eczema. My mother has been on topical steroids (as well as oral and injections) since she was a baby. When I started having rough, dry patches, she assumed I had inherited her eczema and started applying her topical steroids. She didn't know any better and I in no way blame her for using them on me. This was over a decade ago and it made perfect sense that I would have the same condition that she did. My steroid of choice was clobetasol, which I used on my face and crooks of my elbows predominantly, although I did use it a few other places on my body occasionally if I would have a dry patch.

Despite the steroid use, my face was always red, which I just contributed to my "eczema", and covered with makeup. My desire to stop using steroids came when I found out I was pregnant with my son (I will call him "C" in case later in life he doesn't want his name posted up on the internet) last January. I was cautious with my pregnancy and wanted to make sure my son was as healthy as possible, so I asked my OB whether it was safe to continue using my clobetasol. He said it was as long as I only used it a few times a week. Throughout my pregnancy my skin got better and I used the steroids less, but it flared again after the birth of my son. My face was immediately dry and red again, and after a few days of not using the steroids my nose would produce a clear liquid around the edges, which I thought was strange. Googling my symptoms brought me to TSW and Red Skin Syndrome. Everything clicked. With my desire to keep the steroids away from my son and to keep him as healthy as possible, I committed. I didn't even want them to be transferred to him from being on my skin or from possibly being absorbed and transmitted through breastfeeding.

If not for my son, I probably would have continued to use topical steroids forever, like my family. They were skeptical at first, but after hearing what I had to say and doing their own research they agreed that this was the way to go. They still show concern at my discomfort, but are completely supportive now. I am dedicated to giving C the skin I never had. I want him to be able to take a bath without slathering on creams and go swimming without being embarrassed. Or having people ask why they are so red.

I don't think my skin is as bad as some that I've encountered going through the same thing as me, and for that I feel fortunately. I don't know if this will make my journey easier, but I'm hoping. Right now I'm just taking it a day at a time. I'm doing this for my most amazing son, C.

For more information on TSW please visit

Also, here are some other TSW blogs you should see:
My Little Red Warrior

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